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Hi! So, if I were a friends character, I would probably be Chandler ;) Loving to try new things…
Looking for
An ambitious guy with a thirst for travel. A little bit spontaneous, because life is too short to…
I am interested
About me
God fearing
Looking for
Serious relationship
I am interested
Woman, 19
About me
Only German!!
Looking for
Privit, ich sein Natalia. 47kg und 152cm. Ich kommen aus Ukraine aber jetzt in Wittenberg
I am interested
About me
Am honest and caring am single never married looking for a single man
Looking for
Am single looking for a long time relationship?
I am interested
About me
Looking for
I am interested
About me
Nemám rada falošných ľudí
Looking for
Hľadám si muža ktorý by ma miloval po celom môjom život!!??
I am interested
About me
Uplne obyčajná, osamelá, tak trochu romantička
Looking for
Niekoho s kým si budem rozumieť, spriaznenú dušu
I am interested
About me
Volám sa Zuzana mám 15 rokov som hnedovláska - čokoládová ? Veľmi rada mám zvieratká a hlavné psíkov…
Looking for
Hľadám sympatického chalana ktorý je normálny slušný a není nadržaný ❤️to je všetko
I am interested
Woman, 28
About me
Open minded and adventurous
Looking for
Open minded, adventurous, fun to be with and loves to laugh like me.
I am interested
About me
Milujem sport a cestovanie a wellnes
Looking for
Ked sa rad smejes lebo ja velmi
I am interested

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